What Clients Are Saying

“As person who is living with type 2 Diabetes, insulin dependent, I have a very close relationship to what I put into my body and I need help managing that relationship.

Lorraine has taught me so many ways of looking at my relationship with nourishment. [She helped] remove guilt and shame from my choices and move forward with joy and grace.

[Now], my blood pressure is perfect, my A1C is gradually dropping and I've been able to slowly titrate down on my fast acting insulin.

Lorraine is one of the most centered, genuine, and personable healers I've had the privilege to work with. I work with a lot of different providers for physical and mental health and she definitely stands out as a true professional that is also an amazing person.”


“I first sought out nutrition services because I was struggling to manage my PCOS symptoms and was tired of constantly receiving dieting advice. I was looking for a weight-neutral approach that would help me make sustainable changes to my eating habits while also addressing the root causes of my PCOS symptoms.

I cannot recommend Lorraine enough! Working with her has been an absolute game changer for me. She created a safe and supportive space where I could discuss my struggles with food and body image without any judgment. I felt seen, heard, and supported throughout our time working together. Her ability to listen and provide practical guidance helped me to develop a positive relationship with food after I had felt like giving up.

Before working with her, I felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and stuck in a cycle of dieting and all-or-nothing thinking. But with her support and encouragement, I was able to break free from those patterns and make real progress towards a more intuitive, sustainable approach to eating. I now feel confident in my ability to nourish my body and give it what it needs, without any guilt or shame.

Not only do I feel better, but I also saw tangible improvements in my lab results. My triglycerides were reduced by an incredible 44%, which is a testament to Lorraine's expertise and care. She was always the voice of reason, providing me with practical guidance that kept me grounded and focused on my goals.

I am so grateful for Lorraine's expertise and compassion, and cannot thank her enough for all that she has done for me!”


“I started working with Lorraine after stepping down from eating disorder treatment (IOP) and wanting to continue outpatient care.

I loved how Lorraine took a comprehensive approach to our dietary work together. Not only did she work with me on the food aspects (ex: moving towards consistently nourishing my body and getting enough variety and quantity), she also recognized that, as one recovering from an eating disorder, there are many factors in my struggles with food.

I would consider Lorraine one of the best dietitians I've had. She was very gentle and didn't push me to do things that were outside of my comfort zone or would have caused intense distress, while also supporting me in working towards my goals. I felt confident and uplifted after our sessions together because she congratulated me on what I did well or learned that week, while acknowledging room for growth. In addition, Lorraine was very sympathetic and I got the impression that she truly cared about me as a person and wanted me to recover.”


“I began working with Lorraine to address my eating disorder and to support my health after having weight loss surgery. Lorraine helped start the process of taking back the power around health and nutrition for my body. She provided a support, honest and upfront but nonjudgmental space, for me to sort through the truths and myths around food and nutrition and critically think for myself about what role food plays in my life, what my goals are long term and the whys behind those.

Lorraine helped me start developing the roadmap for the journey I am on to healing my relationship with food and my body and living my healthiest and happiest life. I was able to maintain my vitamin and other nutrient levels that I had struggles with post surgery without having to resort to the obsessive and meticulous calorie and nutrient counting that fueled my eating disorder.

Before working together, I felt confused and conflicted in my understanding of nutrition and my own health and relationship to food and my body. Now I feel empowered and confident that I can critically look at the nutrition and health information fed to me and determine what works for me and my body. I feel more comfortable and calm in my relationship with food and my health. I am so grateful for the time I have spent working with Lorraine.”


“Lorraine helped me recover from disordered eating habits. Her constant encouragement was so helpful!

She is wonderful at helping clients move forward with their journey, even if they are scared or have complicated feelings about food. Before working with Lorraine, I felt stressed, food-phobic, fatphobic, and had poor self esteem. [Lorraine is] very helpful and understanding and helped me feel heard and seen, calmer around food, and self accepting.

She is great at meeting patients where they are, and encouraging them to move forward. My sleepwalking and binging episodes also lessened/stopped. Lorraine is great!”


“Lorraine has made my first experience working with a dietician so wonderful. I am really lucky to have found her! She is so kind and provides a super stress free atmosphere where she makes conversations around food easy - which I've never experienced before.

She has helped me make significant improvements in my life by helping me better understand my body's needs relative to my diet, guiding me in strategies to "unlearn" the toxic food thoughts that I learned at an early age and challenge my thinking relative to negativity around food to improve my overall relationship with my body and what I eat. I also saw a decrease in my blood pressure after working with her. She is wonderful and super funny and I would recommend her to anyone that is looking for support in this area.